Notícias Boeing

A Boeing irá atrasar a primeira entrega do Boeing 777X para 2025:

:small_red_triangle: In Boeing’s Q1 result for 2022, the manufacturer confirms that the Boeing 777X is delayed, with deliveries expected to begin in 2025. This confirms Reuters and Air Current’s report last week that the 777X was delayed until 2025.

:small_red_triangle: Additionally, Boeing will be temporarily pausing the production of its 777X from now through 2023. Boeing so far has built 20 777X airframes.

:small_red_triangle: In response to the delay, Emirates’ President Sir Tim Clark said that the airline would not cancel the order but said that the airline’s patient is not indefinite.

:small_red_triangle: The Boeing 777X was initially set to start deliveries in 2020, but has faced significant delays in its certification. Last year, the FAA said that the 777X would not be certified until mid-to-late 2023.

Link: Flying Report

A Boeing não tem andado nada bem… Qual será a alternativa, então?..

A certificação agora demora mais, é a vida.

Só a boing pode ser responsável por isto, a maneira como responderam ao problema com o max é totalmente culpa própria.

2 Curtiram